Yes, I know facebook usage these days has gotten a little out of hand, and we are ALL guilty of it. But facebook isn't all bad, in fact it does do a lot of good. The best thing that facebook does for us is that it keeps us in touch. Friends from our past would be long forgotten or at least unreachable if it weren't for facebook. And such is the case with me and Leah Lucarelli.
We were best friends in high school, but haven't spoken since some point during college. No reason really, we just lost touch. She and her husband Matt live with their new baby boy Charlie in Connecticut. Leah and I "friended" on facebook probably about a year or so ago and right around the time Charlie was born(12/20/10) we decided that me coming up to do a family photo shoot would be the perfect opportunity to step back into each others lives.
So this past Saturday we finally made it up there, and Leah hit the nail right on the head when she said "it's as if no time has past." So much has changed, and we've both grown up into adults, but I think all the things that drew us together as friends in the past are still exactly the same. Leah is one of the kindest people you will ever meet. She has the best smile, the best laugh, and just couldn't be any sweeter. And MAN is she PRETTY!! So freakin' photogenic! (You'd NEVER know she had a baby less than 2 months ago!!)
And of course once again, I went out to make pictures and every minute of it reconfirmed for me that I'm doing exactly what I should be. Spending time with the three of them was so enjoyable. And it was such a blessing to be able to capture all the joy and love they have for each other.
Leah, I missed you, thank you for inviting me into your home. Matt, you are HILARIOUS, I missed you too, thank you for loving Leah and Charlie so much. Charlie, buddy, thanks for being a trooper and managing to give the camera some smiles, even though you don't really know how to do that yet.